
爱吃黄烦烦 头像由好基友特约赞助 杂食,不过在all黄的道路上越走越远

Walk Like An Egyptian - Bangles



在B站上看到有四月新番OPED一个合集,想着还没听过JOJO的完整片尾曲,所以就点进去听了。前半部分1分30秒做ED正合适,相当中意衔接部分的口哨声,整首歌弥漫着一种摇滚的浪漫,复古里头又带着点轻迷幻的感觉。walk Llike an Egyptian的意思大概是希望人们能以悠闲轻缓的步伐在人生路上,而不是赶着前行。以及歌词网上都没有靠谱的啊,所以就自己翻译了_(:з」∠)_

All the old paintings on the tombs   那些墓穴里的古老壁画

They do the sand dance don't you know   你知道吗,它们跳着砂之舞

If they move too quick (oh whey oh)   如果它们的步伐太快了

They're falling down like a domino   就会像多米诺骨牌般倒下

All the bazaar men by the Nile   尼罗河畔的那些商人啊

They got the money on a bet   他们投钱与人打赌

Gold crocodiles (oh whey oh)   金色的鳄鱼

They snap their teeth on your cigarette   会猛地咬住你的香烟

Foreign types with the hookah pipes say   异国人抽着水烟说道

Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh   

Walk like an Egyptian   要像埃及人那样行走 

The blonde waitresses take their trays   金发碧眼的女招待收走餐盘

They spin around and they cross the floor   如同在地板上旋转起舞

They've got the moves (oh whey oh)   她们跳得是如此之棒

You drop your drink then they bring you more   要是碰洒了饮料,她们还会为你端来更多

All the school kids so sick of books   所有的学生都讨厌书本

They like the punk and the metal band   他们喜欢的是庞克和重金属乐队

When the buzzer rings (oh whey oh)   当下课铃声响起时

They're walking like an Egyptian   他们就像埃及人那样行走

All the kids in the marketplace say   市集里的孩子们都说

Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh   

Walk like an Egyptian   要像埃及人那样行走

Slide your feet up the street bend your back   弯着腰在大街上滑步前行

Shift your arm then you pull it back   前后挥动你的手臂

Life is hard you know (oh whey oh)   你知道生活是如此艰难

So strike a pose on a Cadillac   所以就在卡迪拉克前面摆个酷炫的姿势吧

If you want to find all the cops   如果你想找到所有的条子

They're hanging out in the donut shop   他们常聚在甜甜圈店里

They sing and dance (oh whey oh)   他们又唱又跳

Spin the clubs cruise down the block   在隔壁街区的俱乐部外来回巡游

All the Japanese with their yen   日本人揣着日元

The party boys call the Kremlin   聚会上的男孩们打电话到克里姆林宫

And the Chinese know (oh whey oh)   而中国人知道

They walk the line like Egyptian   他们要像埃及人那样行走 

All the cops in the donut shop say   待在甜甜圈店里的条子们说

Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh   

Walk like an Egyptian   要像埃及人那样行走 

Walk like an Egyptian   要像埃及人那样行走 
